Friday, May 14, 2010

Finding "Normal" with Cystic Fibrosis

Robert Ebserschlag is a father, lawyer, and volunteer with the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Toronto Chapter. For him becoming a father of two girls and discovering CF were the same step.

After the birth of his second daughter, Julianna, his two year-old Sophia began to show symptoms of CF. Sophia was soon diagnosed with CF. Just a few years later Julianna also began to show symptoms and was diagnosed.

For Robert's family CF is now a regular part of life. Each day the girls, now 8 and 6, have a routine of going to physio and taking enzymes. Living with CF has taught the family how to remain positive and look forward in life. One thing they have learned from CF is that every family has it's own version of "normal."

Since the girls have been toddlers they've taken part in The Great Strides Walk. Robert is an active volunteer with CCFF Toronto and has noticed the sense of community it brings to the people involved. "The social component of CCFF and the education component to being a member is very valuable," says Robert. "It's great to be a part of trying to do something for your kids."

Robert has seen the event grow over the past six years. "For me it's gone from a walk with the babies to one where I'm trying to chase them!" This year Julianna is the CCFF's Super Strider for Ontario.

Robert has seen firsthand all the progress being made with The Great Strides Walk in bringing people together and spreading awareness. While Robert is an active volunteer, he says the real heroes are people like Ron Anderson, CCFF Toronto's president and the hardworking full-time staff who make events like The Great Strides Walk possible.

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