Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The CCFF helps me and so many others lead a longer fuller life

My name is Hattie. I am 22 years old, and the founder and designer of a jewellery company called: Youve Got Hattitude. ( I love bajan rum punches, the man behind the camera, vintage teacups, and women in big hats. I was also born with a genetic disease. I have Cystic Fibrosis...but it does not have me.

Throughout my life, my daily routine focused on multiple therapies, including chest percussions, nebulizers, inhalers, antibiotics, hospital visits, picc lines, IV’s, doctors, nurses, x rays, bone scans, ct scans, food supplements, enzymes, vitamins, walking tests, breathing tests, physiotherapists, respiratory therapists…”doctor lingo” is now mine and my families second language.

Recently my battle with CF has gotten harder and the hospital stays longer. My lungs have become damaged beyond normal therapies to help sustain them. My quality of life has deteriorated and decreased dramatically. I am now waiting for a wonderful gift, a new chance at life, a double lung transplant.

Children being born with the disease now a days, need the work of the CCFF more then ever. A cure needs to be found, so in their future there will be no need for a double lung transplant for them to continue to live. The CCFF is diligent at helping to raise funds to make this possible.

This spring me and a group of my closest friends started organizing a fashion show called Couture Fashion for a Cure Found, You can check out the event on twitter at @cfforcf. With the amazing help and support of the CCFF, we are hoping to raise funds to make CF stand for Cure Found.

The CCFF Peel chapter has helped us along the way and made it so easy for us to start this fundraiser. They are ogranzied, diligent and extremely knowledgable. They have really been such an asset and are extremley dedicated in raising funds to help beat this deadly disease.

The Great Strides walk is an amazing and hilariously fun event. The simple act of taking a breath, lacing up shoes, or brushing teeth, are sometimes too difficult for someone with Cystic Fibrosis. The CCFF great strides event, gives hope for new research, so people living with CF can live fuller, longer lives.

CF is such an internal fight, which shows few outward signs. This is why the CCFF’s work is so important in helping educate people on the disease. Thank you for everyone participating in the walk this year and doing other fundraisers with the CCFF. The work of the CCFF, has allowed me to grow up in my 20’s, attend university, own my own company and live life to the fullest that I could!

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